RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT अनुसन्धान एवं विकास

MVIVVU is committed to carry out Research and Development in the field of Vedic Sciences and Philosophy
based on the ancient Sanskrit literatures in the backdrop of modern science. The domain of our research activites
pertains to literature based theoretical knowledge, practical research work based on ancient Vedic Sciences as well as
development of educational softwares.

United Nations & Agenda 21
Agenda 21, the Programme of Action for Sustainable Development adopted by UNCED in Rio in 1992, contains
a series of recommendations about the relevance of traditional knowledge to implementation of sustainable
development policies and programmes. These recommendations are directed principally to ‘countries, with the
support of the relevant international and regional organizations’ and address a wide range of sustainable
development issues: human health, land resources, deforestation, desertification and drought, sustainable
agriculture and rural development, marine resources, freshwater resources, the role of farmers, the role of science,
education, public awareness and information, and information for decision-making.
One of the most significant recommendations on traditional knowledge is perhaps that contained in the chapter
on Science for Sustainable Development (recommendation 35.7):
“Countries, with the assistance of international organizations, where required, should: […] (h) Develop methods
to link the findings of the established sciences with the indigenous knowledge of different cultures. The methods
should be tested using pilot studies. They should be developed at the local level and should concentrate on the links
between the traditional knowledge of indigenous groups and corresponding, current "advanced science", with particular
focus on disseminating and applying the results to environmental protection and sustainable development.”
“VEDIC HINDU SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH METHODOLOGY” वैदिक हिन्दू वैज्ञानिक अनुसन्धान विधि
Research and investigation in any subject, be it science, arts, philosophy or theology,
consists essentially of certain basic principles. These principles, for the first time, were investigated and formulated by an
ancient Hindu philosopher-scientist Gotama or Aksapada. These have been embodied in the form of 'Nyaya Sutras' {nyaya means analysis).
Akspada Gotama said to be contemporary of Kanada and Buddha, lived during the sixth century BC. Some scholars believe that he
belonged to a period earlier than 600 BC. Local tradition in Mithila (modern Darbhanga in North Bihar, India) points out the
place of his birth as a village called Gotamasthana, where a fair is held every year on the ninth day of the lunar month of Chaitra (March- April).
The Nyaya Sutras, for establishing the true identity of fact, a phenomenon or an object, consist of:
(i) Pratyaksha प्रत्यक्ष (Perception) : is the recognition and knowledge of the objects, produced by their contact
with external sense organs of sight, hearing touch, taste, smell; with internal sense organs such as mind.
(ii) Anumana अनुमान (Inference) : is the knowledge of the objects through the apprenhension of some mark which is invariably
related to the inferred objects. During this process, firstly, there should be a relation of agreement in presence
(anyaya) between two things i.e. ir all cases where one is present, the other should also be present. Secondly, there
should be uniform agreement in absence between them (Vyatireka). Thirdly, no contradictory instance should be observed
where one of them is present without the other (Vyabhica- ragraha). Lastly, relevant hidden determining conditions (upadhi)
and accompanying circumstances have to be taken successively, investigated and eliminated by repeated experiments and observations
to establish an invariable concomitance (vyapti) between the mark and the character inferred. This is how one can obtain the
knowledge which is valid and correct.
(iii) Upamana उपामान (Comparison) : is the knowledge of the phenomenon or the object obtained by the establishment of a
relation between a name and objects so named or between a word and its denotation, e.g. a child is told that an
animal with such and such description a horse. When he sees an animal for the first lime with particulars which fit in
with the description, he concludes, by comparison, that what he is seeing is a horse.
(iv) Aptavakya आप्तवाक्य (Testimony) : is a method of establishing the identity of an object i.e. the knowledge of the perceived and
unperceived objects derived from the statement of authoritative sources viz. standard scriptures such as the Vedas, the sayings
of the sages and the Research Journals. Here one must know as to how many interpre¬tations, according to the individual way of
thinking, have been put forward and accepted by various scholars and people, to whatever is written in the Vedas.
These interpretations have been sometimes poles apart but that has not in any way infringed upon the profound veneration
in which the Vedas are held.
As regards the practical use of Nyaya Sutras, it is important to note that for Indians, theories and philosophies were not
purely of academic interest. They were applied in many practical sciences. For example, practice and treatment in Ayurvedic
medicine is extensively and elaborately based on Nyaya and other systems of Indian philosophies.
"VEDIC RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT & ANALYTICS NETWORK [VeRDAN] वैदिक अनुसन्धान, विकास एवं विश्लेषणात्मक तंत्र”
VeRDAN is Research and Development wing of MVIVVU. It has been established for re-developing indigenous Vedic research methodology for ShodhGranth (Thesis) writing.
VeRDAN provides research guidance to the doctorate students.
It also recognizes distinguished persons accross the world and award them with honorary doctorate for their contribution in spreading and strenthening of Vedic Hindu Culture.
Under the visionary leadership of Dr. Chakradhar Frend, VeRDAN has develped Indigenous Thesis (ShodhGranth शोधग्रन्थ) format.
This new Thesis format contains 9 sections and 18 chapters. Further details will be launched in booklet.