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Publisher : Maharshi Vedinformatics & Research Centre (Affl. to MVIVVU).

Editor: Dr. Chakradhar Frend (emailto- vedinformatics@gmail.com)

ISSN :0974-5637; Established : 2008

Subscription : Eternally Free; Anybody can contribute articles / news etc.

महाकुलकुण्डलिनी अष्टोत्तरसहस्रनाम एवं सिद्धपुरुष योगदैविधी श्री शिवबचन बाबा जी का ‘कुण्डलिनीयोगदर्शन’

Author :वेदसंस्थाप्रवर्तक डॉ. चक्रधर फ्रेण्ड ‘वेदनिपुण’

Edition : 2025

Price: Rs 108/- ; USD- 18

*वैदिकसंस्थाप्रवर्तक VedaSansthaPravartak Dr. Chakradhar Frend वेदनिपुण VedNipun ; Education : He has dual Graduation in 'Microbiology' (B.Sc.) and 'Law' (LL.B.); dual Post-Graduation- M.Sc. (Microbiology) and M.Sc. (Vedic Sciences). He holds doctorate (PhD & DVSc) in 'Vedic Microbiology'. He studied 'VedNipun' वेदनिपुण course from Maharishi Sandipani Rashtriya VedaVidya Pratishthan (Govt. of India).

Patron Founder / KanvaKuladhipati : Vedic Microbiology Virtual University; Founder Trustee : 'Vedic Virtual Vidyapeeth' Trust (Regd. with Govt. of Gujarat).

President : International Association of Vedic Hindu Universities

Author : 'Vedic Microbiology' (2006), 'Revived History of Microbiology (Vedic to Modern)'(2007), 'RogNivaraka Yogashana' (2008), VedaVyasology : Vedic Intelligence - I, 'Eternal' Origin of Veda, Principles and Practices (2023)

Awards & Accolades : He was honored with ‘Young Vedic Scientist Award’ by Higher Education Department, Government of Haryana for exclusive research work on "Vedic Microbiology".

* Total pages - 30

VEDAVYASOLOGY : VEDIC INTELLIGENCE - I, "Eternal" Origin of Veda, Principles and Practices

Author : VedaSansthaPravartak Dr. Chakradhar Frend 'VedaNipun'

ISBN : 9788190632119

Edition : 2023

Price: Rs 1008/- ; USD- 108

*वैदिकसंस्थाप्रवर्तक VedaSansthaPravartak Dr. Chakradhar Frend वेदनिपुण VedNipun ; Education : He has dual Graduation in 'Microbiology' (B.Sc.) and 'Law' (LL.B.); dual Post-Graduation- M.Sc. (Microbiology) and M.Sc. (Vedic Sciences). He holds doctorate (PhD & DVSc) in 'Vedic Microbiology'. He studied 'VedNipun' वेदनिपुण course from Maharishi Sandipani Rashtriya VedaVidya Pratishthan (Govt. of India).

Patron Founder / KanvaKuladhipati : Vedic Microbiology Virtual University; Founder Trustee : 'Vedic Virtual Vidyapeeth' Trust (Regd. with Govt. of Gujarat).

President : International Association of Vedic Hindu Universities

Author : 'Vedic Microbiology' (2006), 'Revived History of Microbiology (Vedic to Modern)'(2007), 'RogNivaraka Yogashana' (2008), VedaVyasology : Vedic Intelligence - I, 'Eternal' Origin of Veda, Principles and Practices (2023)

Awards & Accolades : He was honored with ‘Young Vedic Scientist Award’ by Higher Education Department, Government of Haryana for exclusive research work on "Vedic Microbiology".

* Total pages - 159


Author : TantraShiromani Dr. Vishwajit Vishwasi

ISBN : 978-90-903-17667-0

Edition : 2022

Price: Rs 1008/- ; USD- 99

* TantraShiromani Dr. Vishwajit Vishwasi is author of renowned book viz. 'Tantra Necromancy' [published in the year 2018]. He practices Tantra in the remote hills of Himachal Pradesh, Bharat/India. His disciples are from USA, UK, Italy, Mauritius, Japan, Australia and other foreign countries. He was conferred with 'Global Tantra Excellence Award' in 2018 during International Conference.

* Total pages - 242

AYURVEDA- Science of Life or System of Medicine

Author : Dr. Hridaynath Kanhai (The Netherlands)

ISBN : 978-90-903-17667-0

Edition : 2019

Price: Rs 750/- ; Euro-50

* Dr. Hridaynath Kanhai is an Ayurveda research scholar and author. His previous book was “De Grondbeginselen van de Ayurveda” in the Dutch language. He served as advocate in the court of The Netherlands. Dr. Hriday Kanhai has spent his entire life in understanding the secrets of Ayurveda. He has shared his own experience regarding influence of Ayurveda his life since childhood. How Ayurveda has accompanied his life and influenced his well being has been accounted in this book in very lucid style. He furnishes information about the growth of Ayurveda in Europe particularly in The Netherlands. His four articles pertaining to Ayurveda was published in the academic journal of The European Institute for Scientific Research on Ayurveda, The Netherlands. This book is based on the thesis submitted to Maharshi VedVyas International Virtual Vedic University.

* Total pages - 465

* Total Chapters - 12


Author : Dr. Chakradhar Frend & Dr. Shriji Kurup

ISBN :818771045-4

Edition : 2007

Price: Rs 300/- ; $ 15

* 1st book in 'The Vedinformatics series'.

* This book was inaugrated in the 'International Seminar on Vedic Microbiology 2007' in Delhi.

* This book is an important document on scientific Heritage of Vedic Hindus.

* Genuinely and exclusively provides full account of microbiology study in ancient india.

* Total pages - 158 with Diagrams - 16; Cartoons- 2

* Total Chapters - 5 (Introduction, Gurus of Vedic Microbiology, Vedic Mantras pertaining to Microbiology, Revived history of Microbiology and Conclusion) + Appendix -8


Publisher : Rishi Kanva Vedic Microbiology Research Institute & others

Author : Dr. Chakradhar Frend, Dr. Shriji Kurup et al

ISBN :9788190632102

Edition : 2007

Price : Rs 65/-; & $ 5

* 2nd book in 'The Vedinformatics series'.

* This book was inaugrated in the 'International Seminar on Vedic Microbiology 2007' in Delhi.

* This book is an extension of the 4th Chapter of the book -"Vedic Microbiology".

* It is perhaps the first book which presents the exact-systemic picture of development of microbiology in the east (India) and West.

* First book to provide true chronological development of History of Microbiology

* Total Pages : 46 with Appendix

* Contains SECTION i. History of Microbiology in Bharat [ Chapter 1. Microbiological knowledge in the Veda (RigVeda, Yajurveda, SamaVeda and Atharvaveda); Chapter 2. Microbiological knowledge in the Allied Vedic Literuatures (Purana, Smriti, Mahabharat etc); Chapter 3. Microbiological knowledge in the Ayurveda (Charak Samhita, Susruta Samhita, Ashtang Hridaya etc); Chapter 4. Microbiological knowledge in the Yogic texts (Hathyogpradipika, Shiv Samhita etc.) ] and SECTION ii. History of Microbiology in Western Hemisphere (Modern Microbiology) [(Chapter 5. Development of Microbiology in the west)].

* Also provides information about the Bhartiya Scientists who have contributed in the development of Modern Microbiology.


Publisher : Maharshi VedVyas International Virtual Vedic University

Author : TantraShiromani Dr. Vishwajit Vishwasi

Edition : 2018

Price : Rs 350/-; & $ 99

* Book was inaugrated in the 'International Conference on Veda-Tantra-Mantra-Yantra (18th December 2018) & 'International Conference on Vedic & Tantric Sciences (19th December 2018) in Surat,GUJARAT, BHARAT/INDIA

* First book of its own kind on the subject of TANTRA NECROMANCY based on the ShodhGranth (Thesis) submitted to 'Maharshi VedVyas International Virtual Vedic University'

* Total Pages : 148

* Foreword by : Dr. Chakradhar Frend [CEO, Maharshi VedVyas International Virtual Vedic University; President, International Association of Vedic Hindu Universities, India/U.K.]

* CONTENTS : Chapter 1. Tantra and Its application; Chapter 2. Spirit Cosmology; Chapter 3. Ghosts / Evil Spirits in Himachali Culture and My Confrontations with Them; Chapter 4. Ayurveda Necromancy (Bhuta-Vidya-Tantra). Chapter 5. Taming the Spirits; Chapter 6. Tantra Necromancy; Chapter 7. Tantra Astro-Necromancy; Chapter 8. Role of Mantra in Necromancy


Publisher : Maharshi VedVyas International Virtual Vedic University

Author : Dr. Chakradhar Frend

Edition : 2010

Price : Rs 35/-

* This book provides significant information about the medical benefits of yoga ashanas'

* Total Pages : 25

* Foreword by : Mahamandaleshwar Swami Suryananda Saraswati


श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता अध्यात्मिक दीपिका Srimad BhagawadGita Adhyatmik Deepika

Publisher : Om Gargi Publication, Pune.

Author : Sri BhupendraNath Sanyal Mahashaya (Disciple of PuranPurush Sri Shayamacharan Lahiri Mahashaya) Tranlation into Marathi By : Sri ChandraShekhar Achyut Padhye ji श्री चंद्रशेखर अच्युत पाध्ये जी

Language: Marathi

Edition : 2016

Price: Rs 2653/- ; $ 200

Volumes: III

* Genuine Translation in Marathi by Sri ChandraShekhar Achyut Padhye ji.

* This book provides great insight into spiritualism.

* Must read for every Kriya Yoga sadhak


Publisher : NA

Author : Sri ChandraShekhar Achyut Padhye ji [Pune, Maharashtra]

Price: Study Material on Yoga

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