Virtually / Digitally, MVIVVU was established on 24th March (RamNavami Day) 2010 with special objective for serving the soul(s) who have felt
continuum inner spark for decephering the 'secret' of longest surviving indelible Sanatan Vedic Hindu Dharmic Culture. Indigenous, Sanatan Vedic Hindu Dharmic Culture is
strongest culture formed with concrete base of Vedas-Tantra-Yoga-Ayurveda. MVIVVU was pioneer in implementing digital mode of Vedic education in the world with huge quantity
of innovative courses. MVIVVU is accredited with International Association of Vedic Hindu Universities bearing the universal university affiliation code – IAVHU1008001UUAC
and Association of Vedic Virtual Universities .
अर्थात् : "जो वेदस्वरूप, वेद को जीवन देनेवाले तथा वेदों में छिपे हुए गूढ़ तत्व हैं, उनको नमस्कार है " |
Meaning : "Salutation to ---That which is form of Veda, That which gives life to Veda and to those hidden esoteric elements (tattva) existent in Veda."
भारत Bharat is primarily the Abode of Adhyatma अध्यात्म i.e. Spiritualism [VEDA-YOGA-TANTRA]. And all worldly subjects have emanated out of this Spiritualism.
विश्वगुरु वेद्भूमि (VishaGuru VedaBhumi)भारतवर्ष BharatVarsha has three forms – terrestrial (भौतिक), as a deity (दैविक) and spiritual (अध्यात्मिक). From Kailasa-Manasarovar to Lanka and from Hingula in sindhu–desha to suvarna sri in Arunachala,
all rivers, mountains, beauty and wealth of the forests, decorated with villages, cities, towns and holy places, --is the terrestrial (भौतिक) form of Bharat.
In the form as the deity (दैविक), it consists of 51 holy places of the Saktas, 24 incarnations of Vishnu, and the abode of countless devotees, realized Yogis, holy men and great heroes and great men. Each and every particle of dust of this country has been
sanctified by the touch of their feet. In the spiritual (अध्यात्मिक) form, it is the force of the supreme self-called Bharat–sakti भारत शक्ति. In Rigveda, Agni, the Supreme Being has been
repeatedly addressed as Bharata भारत (RV 2.7.1; 2.7.5). It is eternal. Yoga Vasistha says that, by practice of yoga and devotion, Kaga Bhusunda became immortal.
He saw the destruction of the world fourteen times. Every time he saw that Bharat disappeared and appeared again in the beginning of the creation. It was never destroyed. It is immortal.
विश्व वैदिक सम्मेलन २०२३ WORLD VEDIC CONFERENCE 2023 & Other Videos.
देहस्थाः सर्वविद्याश्च देहस्थाः सर्वदेवताः । देहस्थाः सर्वतीर्थानि गुरुवाक्येन लभ्यते ॥
"All kinds of knowledge (para & apara) is within this (human) body. All Goddesses –Gods resides within this same
(human) body. (Obviously) All pilgrims are located inside this body. These secrets are exposed on believing & implementing
the instructions of Guru."
The more an aspirant try to imbibe the Vedic Knowledge, the more he / she feel thirsty for it.
An aspirant will find innumerable avatars of MVIVVU. MVIVVU may help such persons in shaping his / her career or it may help you in learning Vedas even though you are not adapt
in Sanskrit or if you’re a Hindu but living out of VedaLand- Bharata, again MVIVVU comes to rescue or MVIVVU will surprise an aspirants with new innovate courses
in unexplored subjects or it gives opportunity to talented kids to learn any Vedic courses or it will provide opportunity to conduct research in any thinkable or
unthinkable subjects concerned with Vedico-Tantrik Hindu domain of knowledge or a professional person may find MVIVVU a perfect platform to learn Vedic knowledge
in his/her free time (say weekend) or a student will find MVIVVU friendly in terms of participating in online examination as per his / her discretion. The influence of the Veda
is remarkably perceptible in the development and growth of भारतीय Bharatiya science,art, literature and philosophy. It has been affirmed that the Veda contains a vast body of scientific
knowledge and that it anticipates even the most modern ideas of Biology, Microbiology, Architecture, Physics, Chemistry and Astronomy. In MVIVVU, not knowing Sanskrit is not a barrier for
learning or research. Overall, at MVIVVU, we’re reshaping Vedic education via Virtual Space (Virtual Space is any location where people can meet using networked digital devices.) with our
game-changing FlexPath format. You can learn on demand, leverage your experience, and move at your own speed. FlexPath puts you in control, so you can earn a degree on your terms.
MVIVVU = आत्म-अनन्तता अनुभवाय Experience Eternity like a Soul
MVIVVU = अपरोक्ष नम्य वातावरणीय शिक्षणाय Flexible Virtual Learning Environment (No Barrier of Language!)
MVIVVU = सर्वजन हिताय सुयोगाय Opportunity for all (without any discrimination)
Wordly sciences (अपरा विद्या) lead human beings to worldly prosperity (अभ्युदय); while the
transcendental science (परा विद्या) deals with the inner progress of human being towards his original destination, and
leads him to the Eternal bliss (निःश्रेयस) or the Realization of the Self. It need not be supposed from this classification
that the Hindu thinkers concentrated their attention on निःश्रेयस alone by ignoring worldly prosperity and worldly sciences.
The progress of worldly sciences in India can be seen in the development of sixty four arts (कला) and fourteen branches of
Human Knowledge (विद्या). This lore has found expression in some written works on the respective subjects and has been handed
down by oral tradition from generation to generation in several families and classes noted for specialty in it. The paucity
of written works on it, modern machinery, industrialization and general apathy have, however, given a serious set-back to all
of it, and the wordly sciences in India in their struggle for existence are on the point of being extinct. MVIVVU believes
in triggering the Sattvik consciousness in Human Beings through Vedic spirituo-social engineering (conducting Yagnam/Homa,
Kalash Yatra, associating with like minded persons and institutions, etc).
BRAHMAVIDYA KRIYA YOGA ब्रह्मविद्या क्रिया योग दीक्षा AND TANTRA DIKSHA तन्त्र दीक्षा / SPIRITUAL INITIATION:
MVIVVU also provides spiritual initiation i.e. Diksha दीक्षा to deserving students from Bharat/India & Abroad. During International Conference on Tantra, Mantra & Yantra
on the auspicious day of Mokshada Ekadasi or Gita Jayanti 18th December 2018, 5 Persons from Mauritius viz. Romeshwar Kant Pandey Bhugwant, Ekesh Chumnah, Vijaye Chumnah,
Ram Ramsurn, Jayeshsingh Seedeehul were given BrahmaVidya Kriya Yoga Diksha by YogaRishi Dr. Awadhesh Kumar Jha Guru ji [Shyamacharan Sangh, Bhagalpur, Bihar].
Dr. Prakash Bhosale (Mumbai, Maharashtra), Sergio DiCarlo (Spain), Dr. Glenville Ashby (USA), Nidhi Malaviya (Indore, Madhya Pradesh), Jhilmil Bhagawati (Guwahati, Assam)
received Tantra Diksha by TantraShiromani Dr. Vishwajit Vishwasi (Himachal Pradesh) during 2021-2023.
3rd day of World Vedic Conferences 2023: World Conference on VedaVyasology & Adhyatma Vidya (Soul Sciences) conducted on Mokshada Ekadasi / Gita Jayanti Day on
22nd December 2023, six students of Maharshi VedVyas International Virtual Vedic University & Vedic Microbiology Virtual University, viz.- Dr. KVN Savan Kumar (Bengaluru, Karnataka),
Dr. Prashant Koranne (Mumbai, Maharashtra), Dr. Mehika Nicole (Mangalor, Karnataka), Dr. Varsha Parkar (Australia), Kanti Narayan Pandey (Noida, Uttar Pradesh),
Sai Shivaang (Haryana), received BrahmaVidya Kriya Yoga Diksha from YogaRishi Dr. Awadhesh K. Jha (Shyamacharan Sangh, Bhagalpur, Bihar) and two students
received Tantra Diksha from TantraShiromani Dr. Vishwajit Vishwasi viz.- Dr. KVN Savan Kumar (Bengaluru, Karnataka), & Kanti Narayan Pandey (Noida, Uttar Pradesh).
On 31 January 2024, TantraShiromani Dr. Vishwajit Vishwasi (Himachal Pradesh) provided Tantra Mano Diksha to Rajendra Singh Sahrawat (Hyderabad, Telangana),
Abhijeet Bhagavatula (UAE) and Rimjheem (Surat, Gujarat).

VEDIC & TANTRA AWARDS वैदिक वा तन्त्र सम्मान :
In the year 2018, MVIVVU created awards to recognize the global talents who have contributed in the various disciplines /
fields of Vedic Hinduism / Vedic -Tantra Knowledge / Vedic Sciences / Tantric Sciences etc. Following awards were created in various categories: 1. “Maharishi VedVyas VedaPurush Award” &
"Maharshi VedVyas VedaSansthan Pravartak Award", 2. "Global Tantra Excellence Award"; 3. "Global Vedic Scientist Award"; 4. "Global Vedic Rishika Award": 5."Global Nachiketa Vedic Award"
6. "Global Viswakarma Vedic Fine Arts Award" etc.
Knowing the world to be full of the spirit, and without the matter of ignorance avidya, close your eyes against its visible phenomena, remain firm with your spiritual essence with MVIVVU. Plurality of things is the creation of imagination, without their existence in reality. It is like the multifarious forms of the waves
in the sea, which are in reality its water only. The man therefore, that relies on his form faith in the unity is said to be truly
liberated and perfect in his knowledge. (Yoga Vasishta)

32+ VIDYA विद्या : Aksi-vidya, Antaraditya-vidya, Anandamaya Vidya, Angusthamatra Vidya, Aksaraksara or Aksara Para Vidya, Akasa-vidya, Balaki Vidya, Bhuma-Vidya,
Bhrigu Varuni Vidya, Dahara Vidya, Gayatri Vidya, Gargi-Aksara-vidya, Isvara Vidya, Jyotisamjyoti Vidya,
Madhu-vidya, Maitreyi Vidya, Naciketa-vidya, Prana Vidya, Pratardana-vidya, Prana-vidya, Pancagni-vidya,
ParamJyoti Vidya, Parama Purusa Vidya, Paryanka Vidya, Samvarga-vidya, Sandilya Vidya, Satyakama-vidya,
Sad-Vidya, Srimannyasa Vidya, Upakosala vidya, Usasti Kahola Vidya, Uddhalaka Aruni Vidya, Udgitha-vidya, Vaisvanara vidya
1. Duritaksaya (Warding off Calamities or misfortunes; Result is visible)
2. Aisvaryaprapti (Gaining of Occult powers or Siddhi; Result is Invisible)
3. Kramamukti (Release by successive steps to reach Saguna Brahman)
ACHARYA PATANJALI - Founder Of Yoga; ACHARYA BHARADWAJ- Pioneer of Aviation Technology;
RISHI AGASTYA & RISHI KANVA : Founders of Vedic Microbiology; ARYABHATT- Astronomer & Mathematician;
BHASKARACHARYA II - Genius in Algebra; ACHARYA KANADA -Founder of Atomic Theory; NAGARJUNA - Wizard of Chemical Science
DHANVANTRI (God of Ayurveda), RISHI BHARADWAJ,ACHARYA PUNARVASU ATREYA, CHARAK, RISHI AGASTYA et al- Founders of Vedic Medicine / Ayurveda / Siddha;
ACHARYA SUSHRUT- Father of Plastic Surgery; VARAHAMIHIR- Eminent Astrologer & Astronomer; PARASARA - Astrology, Agriculture; GHAGH & BHADDARI - Agriculture; GARGA, VRIDDHA
Yogavatar Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri (30 September 1828 – 26 September 1895), best known as Lahiri Mahasaya, was an Bharatiya yogi
and a Shisya (disciple) of Mahavatar Babaji. He revived the yogic science of Kriya Yoga after getting instructions from Mahavatar Babaji in 1861;
Yogirajadhiraj Swami Vishuddhananda Paramahansa (14 March 1853 – 14 July 1937) popularly known as Gandha Baba. He was expert in Surya Vijnan
(Solar Science), Chandra Vijnan (Moon science),Vayu Vijnan (Wind Science), Nakshatra Vijnan (Stellar Science), Shabda Vijnan (Sound Science),Kohanan Vijnan
(Instant of time science);Shivkar Bāpuji Talpade (1864-1918) - He constructed an unmanned airplane in 1895 based on Vedas.
Swami Bharti Krishna Tirtha (March 1884 – February 2, 1960) was the Śankarācārya of Govardhana matha in Puri, Orissā (now Odishā)
from 1925 to 1960. He is particularly known for his book Vedic Mathematics.Swami Dayanand Saraswati (12 February 1824 – 30 October 1883)- Founder of
Arya Samaj; Maharshi Mahesh Yogi (12 January 1918 – 5 February 2008) developed the Transcendental Meditation technique and was the leader and guru of a
worldwide organization; (list will be updated...)
Many eminent scientists, physicist like Erwin Schrodinger (Austria, Germany), Max Planck (Germany),
Albert Einstein (Germany), Niels Bohr (Denmark), Louis De Broglie (France), Wolfgang Pauli (Austria),
Werner Heisenberg (Germany), Paul Dirac (England) and many others had referred to various Vedic texts
and made important discoveries in their respective field.

Veda Constitute the Eternal "Eye" of All Living Beings - Maharshi VedVyas
"विश्वऋषि विशालबुद्ध वेदसंस्थाप्रवर्तक कृष्णद्वैपायन वेदव्यास भगवान्" को समर्पित Dedicated to"VishwaRishi VishalBuddha KrishnaDwaipayana VedaVyas"

तस्मै व्यासाय गुरवे सर्वज्ञाय महर्षये ॥
Salutation to Maharshi Vyas who is the Preceptor of all & Omniscient.

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